ครบเครื่อง เรื่องปุ๋ยยา
1. โทรสั่งซื้อที่ 089-459-9003
2. แอดไลน์ไอดี PrimPB แชทสั่งซื้อ
3. สั่งทางเฟสปริม เฟสบุ๊คปริมคลิกที่นี่
4. สั่งผ่านะระบบตระกร้าสินค้า FKX.asia
5. สั่งผ่านเว็บลาซาด้า LAZADA.co.th
ทุกช่องทาง ชำระเงินขณะรับสินค้าที่บ้านคุณ
หมวด: สมุนไพร | อ่านแล้ว 15117 คน | สั่งพิมพ์หน้านี้ | L

Soursop - Cancer cure

Making tea from the leaves and bark. You can either use fresh leaves or dried ones. As the leaves are very potent


Cancer cure : soursop. Other health benefits of the fruit and the plant

Making tea from the leaves and bark. You can either use fresh leaves or dried ones. As the leaves are very potent, you only need one or two leaves for one person. You only need to steep the leaves in boiling water, just like making ordinary tea. The strength of the tea depends on the number of leaves and the length of time the leaves are left in the water. Other benefits are alleviating migraine headache, diarrhea, cough, back pain, stress, high blood pressure, and nerve ailment. If you are suffering from insomnia, try drinking this tea before going to sleep. As for children who like to bed wet, this tea will help prevent it. All said, the sour sop fruit, seeds, bark, roots and leaves have been found to even cure cancer.

To soothe inflammation and swelling, place crushed soursop leaves on the affected area. There are many other ailments that soursop is supposed to be effective, but I think a general awareness of the power of soursop is good enough for us to eat more of the fruit as well as drink the tea.

Culinary uses of soursop

Soursop can be made into ice cream, as a sorbet, and as ingredient for cakes and pies.

The young unripe soursop fruit can also be used as a vegetable dish. And of course, pure soursop fruit juice!

Are all these true?

In the final analysis, are we going to believe all that have been written? Personally, I strongly believe that each fruit has its unique health and medicinal properties. Also in each of us, we have unique constituents making our bodies tick. Certain fruits may prove to be more effective for certain people, while for others not. Be that as it may, soursop is one fruit that you may not want to miss out.

I will be planting a soursop plant in due course, for sure.

An update : I planted my Soursop plant

This is an update. I have planted a soursop plant in my garden. It's been about 6 months already; and now it has grown to nearly 150 cm (5 feet). At the rate that it is growing, I think I may have to wait for at least another 2 years to see the first flowers. Take a look at the photo on the right.

A word of caution

Research has suggested that there may be a connection between consumption of soursop and atypical forms of Parkinson's disease because of the high content of annonacin present in soursop. What an irony, as annonacin is supposed to cure cancer! Well, looks like you can't win them all. My own decision is that I would do things in moderation.

Another cancer-cure drug : DCA

DCA or Dichloroacetic acid has already been used on humans to treat mitochondrial/metabolic malfunctions and, considering that cancer is a mitochondrial malfunction, the doctor should be able to prescribe DCA to you as on "off-label" drug. This drug doesn't require a patent, so anyone can employ it widely and cheaply compared to the costly cancer drugs produced by major pharmaceutical companies. This is THE main reason that the main stream media did not report this important life-saving drug.

from: http://goodguy.hubpages.com/hub/

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อ่านเรื่องนี้แล้ว : 15117 คน £



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