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Organic Fertilizer Thailand

Tel: 089-4599003, E-Mail: [email protected]

We currently export to China, Ghana, Laos and Cambodia

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Organic Fertilizer - Double Eagle Brand
- Green Wonder : Extracted Solid Organic Fertilizer - Increase root germination
- Orange Wonder : Extracted Solid Organic Fertilizer - Increase yield, Brix, CCS, Starch content and Tuber size
- Black Wonder : Solid Organic Fertilizer - Increase nutrients, supplementary and improve soil structure
- Certificate
- Reference

Organic Fertilizer - Green Wonder

Green Wonder

FarmKaset.ORG | e-mail: [email protected] | Tel: 089-4599003 or 6689-4599003

3T Verdant plant
Extracted Solid Organic Fertilizer

Increase root germination
Substitute 15-15-15, 16-16-16
Improve nutrient balance in soil
Increase microorganism in soil
Support plant growth

Fertilizer Technology Production

T1 High Quality microorganism
- 3 groups of microorganism: starch, carbohydrate, proien and fiber decompose.

T2 Fast Release Ferilizer
- Amino acid, Macronutrien elements, Secondary elements and Micronutrient elements.

T3 Slow Release Ferilizer
- Plant nurient and organic matter.

Main Ingredients in Green Wonder
+ Plant mineral - Macronutrient element, micronutrient element, and amino acid
+ Microorganism - The small living things that facilitate soil mineral release and decompose other bio-organism into useful forms of nutrient for the plant.
+ Food for microorganism
   - Amino acid contents for increasing microorganism's growth and compose efficiency
   - Organic matter for soil structure improvement. Soil can absorb water more effectively and is better aerated. Decomposed organic matter can more easily release available minerals to the plant.

'3T" Technology Green Wonder Extracted Solid Fertilizer
3T Technology Organic Fertilizer - Green Wonder

T1 : High Quality microorganism
- Unavailable mineral can be changed to available form that plants can absorb and use for plant growth immediately
- After dissolving, microorganism can multiply themselves and release plant mineral to plants
- In some plantations that have use too much chemical fertilizer on a prolonged basis, soil organic matter and available microorganism wold have been decreased. The soil mineral would have been depleted significantly. Conversion of soil mineral into plant available form would be difficult.

T2 : Fast Release Fertilizer
- Amino acid, Macronutrient elements, Secondary elements and Micronutrient elements that plants can absorb and use for plant growth immediately.

T3 : Slow Release Fertilizer
- Plant Nutrient, Food for microorganism and Organic matter.

Release mineral in each kind of fertilizer
release mineral in each kind of fertilizer

Green Wonder Extracted Solid Fertilizer Produces energy for stem growth
Organic fertilizer Produces energy for stem growth

Net weight : 50 kgs.

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Organic Fertilizer - Orange Wonder

Orange Wonder

FarmKaset.ORG | e-mail: [email protected] | Tel: 089-4599003 or 6689-4599003

Extracted Solid Organic Fertilizer For
Rubber, Cassava, Oil palm, Corn, Legume crop

Increase yield, Brix, CCS, Starch content and Tuber size.
Promotes sugar and starch transformation.
Increaase starch storage in tubers.

'3T' Technology Green Wonder Extracted Solid Fertiilizer

3T Technology Orang Wonder - Extracted Solid Organic Fertilizer

T1 : High Quality microorganism
3 groups of microorganism facilate decomposition of :
1. Starch & carbohydrate
2. Protien
3. Fiber
- Increases leaf drop decomposition around the trees, especially in rubber tree
- Leaf drop can be changed to available plant meneral that plant's root cap can absorb for food production immediately decomposition
- Leaf drop can be decomposed 30-50% in 2-3 months
- Finish decomposing in 6-8 months
- Microorganism will change plant hormone at plant's root cap to be useful organic acid for plants

T2 : Fast Release Fertilizer
- 40 Amino acids
- Consists of nutrients for promoting plant cell and plant tissues.

T3 : Slow Release Fertilizer
- Consists of organic matter and plant nutrient for starch and sugar
transportation from the photosynthesis process to the tubes.

Plant mineral in Extracted Solid Fertilizer
- Contents with substrate for fruit production and fruit enlargement.
- Mineral for starch and glucose transportation to fruit or tuber.
- Amino acid for increasing plant energy that used in starch and glucose production.
- Essential elements for a strong fruit's stem.

Plants can absorb and use for plant growth immediately.

Photosyntesis and Produces energy for Fruiting
Photosyntesis and Produces energy for Fruiting

Net weight : 50 kgs.

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Organic Fertilizer - Black Wonder

Black Wonder

FarmKaset.ORG | e-mail: [email protected] | Tel: 089-4599003 or 6689-4599003

Solid Organic Fertilizer For
Increase nutrients, supplementary and improve soil structure.

- Improves the acid soil.
- Increase nutrient absorption.
- Increase water absorption and circulation.
- Organic product is made with a high technology.
- Adjusts CEC rate and solve pH problem in clay and sandy soils.

Net weight : 50 kgs.

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- Certificate of Organic fertilizer By Office of Agricultural Regulation. Thailand No. 7/2550
- Organic Materials Certificate By Department of Agricultural. Thailand No. TAS - M : 036
- Plant Nutrient Analysis By Central Laboratory and Greenhouse Complex. Kasetsart University Thailand. No. 48-1-17-8
- Amino Acid Analysis By Absolute Analytical Inc. United State; No. 248.435.5100
- Non Contaminant Analysis of E.coli (BAM 2000) and Salmonella (ISO 6579 : 2002) By Laboratory Center for Food and Agricultural Products : LCFA, Thailand; No. TR 48/04456
- Toxic Residue Analysis, Test 4 group of chemical compound Organophosphate gr., Pyrethroid gr., Organochlorine gr. and Carbamate gr. Analysis Results are Non Redidue.; No. TR 48/04455, TR 49/10307, TR 49/17150

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Plant mineral - Amino Acid - Microoganism

Law of the minimum or Law of limiting factors

7 Main Plants

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Mitr phol use double eagle for sugar cane

Big cassava with double eagle fertilizer

Organic fertilizer double eagle brand at eiamburrapa

PB Valley winery use double eagle fertilizer for cassava

Tainguan group cassava farming in Laos also use double eagle fertilizer

Double Eagle with corn at Malee suphan Buri city

Sub-district Administrative Organization (SAO). Nonthaburi use for organic vegetables project

Village Farm use Organic Fertilizer Double Eagle brand for Winter Plant Project

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Organic, Organics, Fertilizer, Export Fertilizer, Import Fertilizer

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